To provide and promote optimal animal production and veterinary services thereby contributing to public health, food security and poverty alleviation.
To discover and communicate knowledge about animals and their products including their role and impact on the society and environment.
As per our constitution, the profile information are given below:
Article 1: Name
The name of the society shall be Meru University Animal Health and production club, in this constitution referred to as MUAHPC.
Article 2: Interpretation
- “MUAHPC” shall mean Meru University Animal Health and Production Club
- “AHP” shall mean Animal Health and Production.
- “The Committee” shall mean the Management Committee of MUAHPC.
- “Annual Accounts” shall mean the balance sheet and the statement of income and expenditure.
- “The Executive” shall mean the body comprising the elected students to represent the interests of members
- “The Constitution” shall refer to the Constitution of MUAHPC unless otherwise stated.
- “University” shall refer to Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST).
- “Campuses” shall mean all the campuses of Meru University of Science and Technology.
- “MUST” shall mean Meru University of Science and Technology.
Article 3: Aims and Objectives
The aims and objectives of MUAHPC shall be:
- To improve on livestock and agricultural productivity
- To practice the acquired knowledge for the betterment of our institution and the entire society
- To acquire more skills in agriculture, leadership and social relation to enhance competitiveness in the world market
- To liaise with the university in the improvement of the livestock firm
- To raise funds through any lawful means for purposes of achieving the aims and objectives of MUAHPC
- To participate in community service.
- To carry out such other activities that may be incidental to the achievement of the above objectives
ETHICAL: Do what is right, at the right time, for the right reasons.
RESPECTFUL: Treat all others (pets, clients, and team) as we would wish
Ourselves to be treated.
ENTHUSIASTIC: Let your presence be a source of energy for the team.
PROFESSIONAL: Always conduct ourselves in a competent and knowledgeable
HONEST: Tell the truth.
COMPASSIONATE: Empathy and harmony with clients, patients and colleagues.
RELIABLE: Be dependable and available to the team, clients and patients.