Timetabling Programmes and Learning.
This division is headed by a Director. The Directorate ensures smooth learning takes place and in a conducive learning environment.
Managerial Responsibilities
- Oversee proof reading and corrections of examinations in line with examination regulations to ensure error free examinations.
- Prepare the section’s annual work plans, semester schedules, teaching and examinations timetables and curricular review schedules to ensure compliance.
- Oversees Implementation of policies, regulations procedures and templates in alignment with the University strategy, statutes and Higher Education legislations to inform management decisions.
- Prepare annual procurement plans through needs analysis to ensure acquisition of material in good time.
- Oversee preparation of departmental budgets through needs analysis to facilitate adequate resource allocation in the department.
- Prepare annual work plans in line with the work load and individual job descriptions to ensure all jobs are well covered and also for accountability.
Operational Responsibilities:
- Oversee proof reading and corrections of examinations in line with examination regulations to ensure error free examinations.
- Report to the Registrar Academic and Student Affairs on matters of curricula development and review by schools in line with Commission for University Education requirements to ensure compliance with accreditation regulations.
- Check and recommend for purchase of teaching material requests by schools and departments in line with their procurement plans to ensure adherence to budgetary allocations.
- Check and recommend appointment of part-time lecturers to ensure compliance with CUE requirements
- Supervise staff in the department by assigning duties and monitoring delivery levels to ensure efficiency.
- Authorize preparation of action notices/memos and letters to schools and departments in line with the set university regulations on to ensure efficient communication.
- Evaluate and rate subordinate’s performance in line with university procedures to ensure efficiency and performance.
- Attend deans’ committee, senate and graduation preparation meetings in line with the set regulations to facilitate decision making.
- Participate in the preparation of annual budgets through needs analysis to ensure adequate resources planning and allocation.
The Registrar ASA also works closely with Dean of Students, School Deans, Chairmen of Departments, Director, Quality Assurance and Career Services, ICT Officer, Librarian, Cateress, Halls Officer, Sports Officer, Medical Officer to ensure both academic and social student welfare is well taken care of.