The Office of the Dean of Students


  • The office of the Dean of Students is primarily concerned with the students welfare from the time they are admitted into the university to the time they graduate.
  • Key Functions include:

i) Guidance and Counseling Services

The aim of service is to facilitate personal, social, intellectual and psychological development and well-being.

ii) Clubs and Societies

These are provided to cater for diverse students Also provide opportunities to develop skills in management, leadership etc.

iii) Games and Supports

There are variety of games offered e.g. Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Baseball, Roll ball, Karate, volley, Tennis etc.

iv) Differently abled Students

We ensure that the differently abled students fully developed their potential

v) Communication and Mails

Dean of Students office receives in-coming mails for students from university registry and distributes them accordingly.

vi) Work Study Programme

The scheme enables need students to supplement their finances through part-time work on campus and helps them gain work experiences.

vii) Discipline

The University has rules and regulations that must be adhered to by all students. All new students are issued with a students’ handbook. The office of the Dean of students ensures these are followed and those who breaks the rules are disciplined accordingly

viii) Catering Services

Ensure students eateries are well managed

ix) Students Leave

Helps in regulation of students movement while in session incase they need to be away. Those with valid reasons, Stu.dents request for leave of absence for specified period

X) Student governance

Oversees campaigns for students leadership (i.e. students council), elections, swearing in and monitoring the activities of the students’ council