Transport Department

Transport Policy

Transport Department

Transport department is responsible for provision of transport services and maintenance of University motor vehicles; in support of all the interested parties, to providing high quality University Education through Training; Research in Science, Technology and nurturing innovation. Currently, the department operates a fleet of twenty-four (24) University vehicles with Twenty (20) Transport department staff.


The best department of excellence in provision of transport.


To get the right people or goods, to the right place, at the right time, in the right condition and at the right price in a sustainable friendly environment.

Our Mandate

  1. Implementation of Transport Policy
  2. Management and provision of transport services to authorized interested parties.
  3. Coordination of University motor vehicle maintenance and repairs
  4. Identification of staff needs for recruitment and training
  5. Job allocation to staff in transport department
  6. Development of technical specifications of procurement needs
  7. Consultation services in logistics and transport management

Transport department expectations from clients

  1. Cooperation and adherence to Traffic Act while aboard University vehicles.
  2. Adhere to transport procedures.
  3. Authorization of journey and placement of duly filled vehicle request on time.
  4. Relevant and accurate information.
  5. Prudent use of University vehicles.
  6. For internal hire; Payment receipts.
  7. Adherence to the set time of travel.
  8. Customer feedback.

Clients expectations from Transport department

  1. Availability of University vehicles as, and when required.
  2. Timely services.
  3. Reliable services.
  4. Safe and secure services
  5. Courtesy from department staff
  6. Comfort while aboard University vehicle
  7. Comprehensively insured vehicles