1. School of Agriculture & Food Science

Year 1





Bachelor of Science Animal Health Production- GOK

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness Management) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education & Extension) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Animal Health & Production) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Food Science & Management) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Food Science & Technology) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Horticulture) GOK

Bachelor of Science Agriculture (GOK)

Bachelor of Science (Crop Protection) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Food Science & Nutrition) GOK

Bachelor of Science Hospitality and Tourism Management


2. School Business and Economics

Year 1

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics

Bachelor of Science Economics

Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Science in Applied Acoounting

Bachelor of Science in Finance

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Business Administration (GOK)

Bachelor of Commerce (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Cooperative Management (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Economics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Finance (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Procurement & Logistics Management (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Applied Accounting (GOK)

3. School of Computing and Informatics

Year 1

Bachelor of Business Information Technology

Bachelor of Communication and Journalism

Bachelor of Science In Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Security and Forensics

Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology

Bachelor Of Science in Data Science

Bachelor of Science In Information Science

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Business Information Technology (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Communication and Journalism (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Security & Forensics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Security and Forensics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Data Science (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Information Science (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (GOK)

4. School of Education

Year 1

Bachelor of Education Arts

Bachelor of Education Science

Bachelor of Education Technology

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Education Science (GOK)

Bachelor of Education Arts (GOK)

Bachelor of Education Technology Civil Engineering (GOK)
Bachelor of Education Technology Mechanical Engineering (GOK)
Bachelor of Technology Electrical and Electronics Engineering (GOK)

5. School of Engineering and Architecture

Year 1

Bachelor of Technology Civil Engeering

Bachelor of Technology Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Bachelor of Technology Mechanical Engineering

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering (GOK)

Bachelor of Technology Electrical & Electronics Engineering (GOK)

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (GOK)

Diploma in Automotive Engineering (GOK)

Diploma in Building Technician (GOK)

Diploma in Construction Management (GOK)

Diploma in Electrical Engineering (GOK)

Diploma in Mechanical Production Technician (GOK)

Diploma in Mechatronic Technology (GOK)

6. School of Health Sciences

Year 1

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine and Community Health

Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development

Bachelor of Science in Health Records & Information Management

Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology

Bachelor of Science in Public Health

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor in Clinical Medicine & Community Health (GOK)

Bachelor in Community Health & Development (GOK)

Bachelor in Human Nutrition & Dietetics (GOK)

Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences (GOK)

Bachelor of Health Records and Information Management (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (GOK)

7. School of Nursing

Year 1

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor in Nursing (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management (GOK)

8. School of Pure and Applied Sciences

Year 1

Bachelor of science in Acturial Science

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology

Bachelor of Science in Botany

Bachelor of Science in Enviromental Science and Resource M

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Bachelor of Science in Zoology

Bachelor of Science

Year 2 to Year 4

Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Computer Science) GOK

Bachelor of Science (Statistics) GOK

Bachelor of Science Biotechnology (GOK)

Bachelor of Science Chemistry (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Botany (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Physics (GOK)

Bachelor of Science in Zoology (GOK)

Environmental Science and Resource Management (GOK)

1. School of Agriculture and Food Science

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Management

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Extension

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Animal Health and Production

Bachelor of Science in Crop Protection

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture

2. School Business and Economics

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Cooperative Management

Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management

Bachelor of Science in Economics

Bachelor of Science in Finance

Bachelor of Science in Human Resource

3. School of Computing and Informatics

Bachelor of Business Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Security And Forensics

Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Science

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Data Science


4. School of Engineering and Architecture

Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Technology Electrical and Electroics Engineering

Bachelor of Technology Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Education Technology Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Education Technology Electrical and Electronic Engineering 

Bachelor of Education Technology Mechanical Engineering 


5. School of Education

Bachelor of Education Science

Bachelor of Education Arts

Bachelor of Communication & Journalism


6. School of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development

Bachelor of Science in Health Records and Informataion Management

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management

Bachelor of Science in Public Health

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine & Community Health

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Medical Microbiology

Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics


7. School of Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Health Systems Management


8. School of Pure and Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Computer Science

Bachelor of Science (Physical Science)

Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology

Bachelor of Science in Botany

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Resource Management

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Physics

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Bachelor of Science in Zoology