Meru University of Science and Technology is committed to excellence in training, research and innovation as pillars of development. It recognizes the full and effective participation in all development activities by the persons with disability on an equal basis with others as a prerequisite to sustainable development. Consequently, the university aims at achieving disability mainstreaming whereby persons with disabilities issues and experiences are an integral part in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programmes, activities and projects at all levels.

It is within this context that a committee was appointed to spearhead Gender and Disability mainstreaming activities in our University. The main functions include but not limited:

  1. To link the University Management, the National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWDs) with Persons With Disabilities (Students, staff and other stakeholders)
  2. To formulate and develop measures and policies designed to achieve equal opportunities for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs).
  3. To facilitate, to the maximum extent possible the provision of assistive devices, appliances and other equipment to persons with disabilities; and access to available information.
  4. To advocate and lobby for assistance to students with disabilities in the form of scholarships, loans, programmes, fee subsidies and other similar forms of assistance.
  5. To spearhead the registration of PWDs.
  6. To advocate for better access to products and services in order to allow full socio- economic and environmental participation of PWDs.

With the support of the University Management the following are some of the milestones that the committee has achieved:

  1. Development of a Disability Mainstreaming Policy.
  2. Carrying out a comprehensive Accessibility audit in order to identify gaps and also build on our strengths with the help of the NCPWDs.
  3. Creation of awareness on disability issues among staff and students.
  4. Sign language interpretation of major university events.
  5. Training of front office staff in sign language.
  6. Mobilising students with disabilities and establishment of a student committee that serves as a link between the Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Committee (GDMC) and students.
  7. Facilitate registration of PWDs with the NCPWDs.
  8. Benchmarking visits to learn about best practices as far as Disability mainstreaming is concerned.

Our future plans are anchored in our dream of making Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) the best university to live in no matter what individual impairment one has. They include:

  1. Advocacy for construction of ramps and/or lifts in all buildings.
  2. Recommend construction of disability friendly toilets in all the buildings.
  3. Lobby for a minimum of 5% employment threshold for PWDs.
  4. Lobby for more and more admissions of Students with disabilities in the courses of their choice and help them achieve their dreams.
  5. Avail disability friendly transport facilities.
  6. Translation of all the essential documents of the University in accessible format (e.g. Braille and/or Audio)
  7. Use of technology to facilitate accessibility by PWDs (e.g. Computers and other devices, software that are disability friendly).

Forthcoming Events/Activities

  1. Sensitisation campaigns for staff and students
  2. Interactive meetings with staff and students with disabilities


  1. Administration Blocks

The university has two administration blocks.

The entrance has a ramp with round rails that are easily used by persons with disabilities.

The entrance has a ramp with round rails that are easily used by persons with disabilities.

The reception desk has two sides. One lower and the other at a higher place. The lower side is used to serve persons with disabilities.The receptionist has also been trained on basic sign language making it easy to communicate to persons with disabilities.

2. Reuben Marambii Library

The library has two entry points; one for persons without disabilities and the other for persons with disabilities. This promotes inclusivity.

The innovation centre which is nearing completion has most of its facilities built using the universal design.

3.Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Centre

The centre has the best facilities in the university that are all accommodative and adaptive to persons with different disabilities.

The washrooms at the centre have been constructed using the universal design to suit the needs of persons with disabilities. They have accessible toilets for both males and females and this runs all through the floors of the whole centre.