Meru University Project Shines Globally
MUST Project Shines Globally
Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) is home to the Paradigm Shift in Faecal Sludge Management, an exceptional project providing effective and lasting solutions to some of the global challenges faced today.
The project lead who serves as the Dean, School of Engineering and Architecture, Ms. Joy Riungu defines the project as an on-site, non-sewer technology used to manage faecal waste through conversion of waste at a centralized facility into valuable end-products such as organic fertilizer and insect-based animal feed using the black soldier fly.
This bio-resource based approach to sanitation listed by UN-Habitat as a Top 20 Innovative Solution in September 2019, is serving our University’s community by providing waste management solutions in neighboring primary schools.
The Newton Fund listed the Paradigm Shift in Faecal Management on the Newton Prize 2020 shortlist. The list features 27 research and innovation projects between the United Kingdom and Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, South Africa and Turkey.
Food security, a core part of Kenya’s BIG 4 Agenda is addressed by this project. The end products of this innovation provide an alternative source of protein in animal feed production. In addition, the black soldier fly residue is composted producing a bio fertilizer rich in phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen which results in increased crop production. The compost has good cementing characteristics which are vital for soil stabilization.
The Newton Prize celebrates outstanding international research partnerships that play an important role in addressing challenges around the world as indicated by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation via a press release on August 17, 2020.
As a University committed to providing Quality Education, we invest in ground breaking research projects such as this, designed to transform our communities and the world into a better place.
We offer Master of Science in Sanitation as part of the Global Sanitation Graduate School (GSGS) 2019 framework. The goal is to share and exchange knowledge on citywide inclusive sanitation across the globe through the wide network of academic professional institutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. There is a limited 80% scholarship on tuition fee available.
Study at Meru University of Science and Technology for the opportunity to be a part of a World Class University of Excellence in Science, Technology, Innovation and Research.