TVET APPLICATIONS The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS)  has announced that the online application system will open for the Second Revision of Degree, Diploma and Certificate choices from Thursday, April 2, 2020 to Wednesday, April 15, 2020. This is to invite K.C.S.E

OFFICE OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR For Immediate Release Meru University of Science and Technology is NOT on strike! Thursday, March  12, 2020: Our attention has been drawn to reports circulating on social media on Wednesday, March  11, 2020  purporting that students of our  University

The students whose names appear below should pick their letters from the office of the Dean of their Schools. STUDENT NAME REG. NO      SCHOOL Edwin Muume Murithi CT201/0020/13RP1 School of Computing & Informatics Kipyego Lawrence CT201/0057/13RP1 School of Computing & Informatics Mithika Glory Makena CT201/0026/17RP1 School of Computing &