Security Regulations During 2020 Christmas Break

Reference is made to the  MEMO  from the office of the  Vice-Chancellor  Ref. MU/1/5/19CEN  (223) dated  17th December, 2020  confirming that Christmas holiday is effective from 18th December,  2020  at 5 pm to 4th January.  2021 when Staff and students will be expected to report back to the University.

During Christmas break, activities in the University will be minimal and few Members of staff offering essential services and authorized Students only will be expected to be in the university.

The following are the Security regulations in the University during the break effective from 19th December, 2020 to 3rd January, 2021 prior to University re-opening:

  1. HODs/Deans/CODs/Heads of sections who anticipate to have any students or staff around especially those involved in research with active running projects should communicate to security office in advance using the official security email address.  for authorization and even then such students or staff shall identify themselves using their staff/student identity cards.
  2. ONLY Main gate will be in use during the break for authorized staff and students while the rest of the access gates ie.  Mukaria gate,  Farm gate and Sewer  Gate will remain closed.
  3. Those wishing to pick the  Keys to any of the offices in the  University  MUST be authorized in writing by the respective  HODs/  Deans/CODs/Heads of sections using the official security email.
  4. All keys including University  car Keys MUST be returned  to security  desk that  is housed in  Administration  block  2  at  the  end  of  day’s  business  within  the normal working hours and in  case any delay is anticipated,  prior communication MUST  be  made  with the security  department using  the  email
  5. Occupiers for various offices in the  University are urged to be responsible to ensure that the doors,  windows,  cabinets,  lockers,  drawers, and grill doors if provided, are securely locked before leaving the respective offices so as to keep University property therein safe. Action shall be taken to anyone who contravenes this requirement in reference to the staff code of conduct.

Kindly let us adhere to these regulations for the safety of all of us. Have a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

Thank you.

Mr. Jared  A.  Maonga


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